Three Great Teachers

I know three great teachers - Socrates, Buddha, and Lord Jesus Christ.  May teachers walk the "roads" that they walked on.  The word, "teacher" is such a challenging and inspiring word to be attached to our name.  Yes, that word also serves as our daily compass.  

Each day of teaching is a discovery of every human person.  Every teaching moment expands the student and teacher's horizon.  I breathe.  I live.  I teach.  I perform.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Why Network Marketing is NOT for You

I became vigilant in accepting invitations from friends.  Whenever I would be invited over for coffee or dinner, at the back of my head, I would pray, I hope it would not be those circles and dollars again.  But then again, we are all dreamers and I dreamt of a brighter future I could provide my family so when a network marketing company invited me to be their speaker and trainer, I said yes.  It closed.  I entered two network-marketing companies after that.  They, too, closed.  Stubborn me.

I promised to myself, NO MORE NETWORK MARKETING COMPANY FOR ME.  Until I have read the books of Robert Kiyosaki.  As soon as I realized why network marketing company is for me, I also realized why its system does not work with a lot newbies.  I am sure most of you can relate with these:

 Kidnapping. This may seem to others a tolerable practice but I have heard stories from clients who have been made to wait.  To make matters worse, there are networkers who make their invitees wait with their empty stomach churning during the presentation.  Others who were invited at the guise of social call also feel disappointed since they thought that the meeting would only be about catching up only to know after, that yes, indeed their inviters catch them just like how fishermen catch big fish by a wide-cast net.

Testi-money.  It is all about money for some MLM companies.  You would see a lot of these companies park a lot of expensive cars in front of their buildings.  Someone told me that during the presentation, there was a presenter dangling a key of Lamborghini capitalizing on earnings without even having proven that the product works.  Part of the marketing strategy of these companies is to blind prospects by hyping them up with money, money, and more money not taking into consideration that products not the money you earn are the lifeblood of an MLM company.

Flushable products.  Some products belong to the toilet bowl.  They should be flushed.  Someone invited me to a presentation and tried to sell me a product that was supposed to make my skin look and feel healthier.  He tried them on my wrist and while he was rubbing it he promised my skin would look whiter.  After three tries, he gave up but told me to just take the product home and pay when I could.  Since I looked at him as a friend, I accepted the product but I never used it.  I let him played me. A veteran network marketer had also admitted to me how they would make up testimonies to keep the ball rolling in their presentation.  After he said that, I swore to myself I would never let myself nor anyone be a part of his company.

Hyping instead of simply telling.  Even if this hyping works for some, this does not yield long time results.  You see when you hype others and they decide to join, when the hype is gone, there is a bigger tendency that they would regret their decision.  For you to make them trust you again, you need to re-hype them but this time on another level, and it goes on and on to another level until you both drain the energy out of you.  This is more annoyingly counterproductive than it is more productive for both parties.  I hope my inviter knows how to simply tell me logically and truthfully what I am getting myself into.

Insistence instead of persistence.  They would not take no for an answer and it just sucks.  While not taking no for an answer could be an admirable trait for salespeople, some would go overboard by dismissing whatever you say.  They do not understand the difference between insistence and persistence.  To be insistent is to be forceful; to be persistent is simply to carry on with your course of action.  Some networkers would literally shove their opinions down your throat.

(MLM) Mis-Leading-Marketing Companies.  Some MLM companies would claim their stability merely through their SEC registration (you can get one for less than 15k if you wish so) or through their international affiliations.  If a company is stable, it should somehow be listed in your local stock market and for it to be globally stable, it should at least make it to the New York Stock Exchange. 

Having shared all these experiences and insights with you, it is not too late to realize that there are network marketing companies out there who will not kidnap you, who will not dangle money in front of you, who will present valid research for their products that really work, who will simply tell you the truth, who will not put integrity below self-interest and benefits.  Robert Kiyosaki believes in MLM and I am not any smarter than he is.  So if you think you want to give MLM another try, there may be reasons why it is not for you but there are also reasons why it is for you.  You should just be a part of a company that could show you why. 

If you are interested to be a part of our growing team, just ask how.  We will not kidnap; we will not hype, we will simply tell you how.

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