Three Great Teachers

I know three great teachers - Socrates, Buddha, and Lord Jesus Christ.  May teachers walk the "roads" that they walked on.  The word, "teacher" is such a challenging and inspiring word to be attached to our name.  Yes, that word also serves as our daily compass.  

Each day of teaching is a discovery of every human person.  Every teaching moment expands the student and teacher's horizon.  I breathe.  I live.  I teach.  I perform.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Long Time Ago

I have always wanted to blog and the last time I did my blogging was September 2008.  Geez, I'm hoping that as I try to turn my life around positively that I'd have more time or discipline to get to this.  I know that it'll help me sharpen my mind and clarify my thoughts and I can't wait to start the next blog after this.

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