This politically colored network, and the government PR team seem to have been insulting the intelligence of the many Filipinos by giving us false information just to make us believe that everything is under control. Yes, we appreciate the effort of the government. Besides, we cannot compare to japan to how It responded to the aftermath of the Tsunami because unlike Japan, we are, so to speak, a third world country. Japan did not become ready overnight. Their readiness is the result of long tedious process of policy making. We, on the other hand, are barely trying to get back on our feet even before Yolanda hit us; and when it did, it just washed most of our previous efforts to rehabilitate our nation away.
But why are many people mad at the government? Is it because they are less Filipinos? Or is it because they feel insulted as Filipinos? For decades, corruption has festered this country and the common Filipinos, despite their wailing, do not feel heard. Instead of listening to the cries of its citizens, the government tells us the economy is improving, or (in this recent calamity) we are prepared to face Yolanda, all with the attempt to either pacify the Filipinos, or worse, to cover up their lack of capability for good governance.
I am a proud Filipino. I love my country. However, it is saddening to see how our so-called country fathers rape our mother nation with their impotent dicks; how they appear to be pure to conceal their adultery. We, the sons, and daughters of this nation cannot help but use our words to let these politicians know that we deserve better, our nation deserves better, and something has got to be done quickly, now, before our other brothers, and sisters die, helpless, because a lot of people kept quiet to let it happen, or because they think it is negative to say something.
It is not purely negativity. It is seeing clearly. It is not being less of a Filipino, but being a true one.
To my fellow Filipinos, may this humble message reach you. Do not be disillusioned with what they are trying to make us believe that social harmony is not to be disturbed; and that peace is achieved when there is quiet. The truth is the opposite. Real harmony exists when despite differing views, we choose to co-exist. Real peace exists when despite warring ideas, we choose to use our words and not our fists.
If I may rephrase, "the only necessary thing for evil to succeed is for good men to say nothing."